
Improve Your Digital Space

First Published: October 15, 2020
Updated on: May 14, 2023
The old saying, "there is no time like the present," is certainly applicable in today's digital and marketing world – on many levels.

If we could have predicted the future, the Covid-19 alarm would’ve sounded long before we made any 2020 vacation plans. Unfortunately, our divination skills (or fortune telling for non Harry Potter fans) here at MadSky Design were less than "Outstanding," see what we did there. In all seriousness, to family, friends, clients, Twitter and FB mates we wish you all the best and hope everyone is safe and healthy!

So, sans a time machine or crystal ball to help us know the future, we move forward into the second part of an unpredictable year.

‍"Best laid plans and all" – we had exciting plans for our brand, website and expanding our digital footprint in 2020. Now it seems it would have been difficult for us to choose a crazier time to start practicing what we preach when it comes to blogging, social media, and email campaign communication and marketing. So here we are...best laid plans and all that. After giving it some thought on next steps the answer was obvious. Do the the right next thing and just keep moving forward.

3 Simple Reasons to Start or Improve Your Website and Digital Marketing Presence

 01 // It’s Expected Nowadays

Now that social distancing, curbside pickup, masking up and self quarantining are the new social norms, it’s hard to imagine a business not having a website or strong digital footprint. A website allows you and your brand to be accessible to your audience at anytime, almost like having a shop that doesn’t have close. Your competitors will also most likely have their own online presence and if they don’t, this is a perfect way to get a leg up on the competition.

02 // It’s Not Enough to Just Use Social Media

Social platforms can be very useful in connecting with your audience, but you have to remember that those platforms don’t actually belong to you. Not only do they not belong to you, they can also hinder how you want to promote your brand by not having certain features or limited promotion options. Websites give you the freedom to develop and promote your brand your own way.

According to HubSpot there are 5.8 billion Google searches per day and approximately 2 trillion global searches per year. Compared to the over 1.5 million users that visit Facebook each day, according to various online resources.

03 // It Can Only Add to Your Business

The great thing about having a website for your brand is how it can add to your brand in multiple different ways. Having your website be easily found through search engines like Google can greatly increase the amount of traffic your business gets on a day to day basis. You can also set your site up as your central point and digital hub of your business to keep yourself organized and always available for your audience. Promoting your site and being connected with your audience adds credibility to your brand and business overtime as you establish your online presence.

While 2020 hasn’t been the ideal year for many of us, it is a great time and opportunity to restructure and refocus on our work. Establishing an online presence for your brand can take your brand from being ordinary to truly out of this world. As we all strive to improve during this whirlwind of time, remember to keep the creative juices flowing (or coffee, that works too) and keep your spirits up.

Until next time.